
Lirik Lagu Christ Is The Center - The Belonging Co feat Danny Gokey

Syalom, selamat membaca serta menyanyikan lirik lagu rohani Christ Is The Center yang dibawakan oleh The Belonging Co feat Danny Gokey. Dukung terus penyanyi idolamu untuk terus berkarya dengan cara tidak mendownload ataupun mengunduh lagu yang mereka miliki secara ilegal. Sebagai gantinya kamu dapat mendengarkan lagu mereka melalui layanan-layanan streaming online seperti Youtube, Spotify dan Joox.

Informasi Lirik Lagu

Judul laguChrist Is The Center
PenyanyiThe Belonging Co, Danny Gokey
SongwriterNatalie Grant, Bernie Herms

Lirik Lagu Christ Is The Center by The Belonging Co feat Danny Gokey

We're returning to repentance
We come humbly to Your presence
Lord Jesus all that matters now is You
Oh we lay down our agendas
All our burdens and offenses
Lord Jesus all that matters now is You

Oh all that matters now is You

Christ is our portion Christ our devotion
Christ is the center of our lives
He is our obsession He is our confession
Christ is the center of our lives

In the morning in the evening
You're the one thing we are seeking
We come boldly we are open to You now
You are healing all division
You are mending all that's broken
Make us holy make us holy like You are

Oh all that matters now is You

Christ is our portion Christ our devotion
Christ is the center of our lives
He is our obsession He is our confession
Christ is the center of our lives

As for me and this house
We will serve You glorify You
Let it be in this house
That we love You and obey You

You are Lord of this house
You're the first and You're the only
In the midst of us now
You are Holy You are worthy

Christ is our portion Christ our devotion
Christ is the center of our lives
He is our obsession He is our confession
Christ is the center of our lives

As for me and this house
We will serve You glorify You
Let it be in this house
That we love You and obey You

You are Lord of this house
You're the first and You're the only
In the midst of us now
You are Holy You are worthy

Christ is our portion Christ our devotion
Christ is the center of our lives
He is our obsession He is our confession
Christ is the center of our lives
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